Android Developer Story: JackThreads
(psst! it’s using the Edge Effect Library! )
More and more companies are taking the approach of “Android First” when launching a new or updating versions of their apps. Amongst the many reasons for this includes an ability to A/B test in real time. What that does is it lets companies focus on engagement, and make sure that the changes made to the app are the right ones.
One such company is Thrillist, the creator of the JackThreads mens fashion app and saw their Android sales grow almost 2000% by using Android native design.
Thrillist felt the need to build something truly native, working with the right teams to figure out what that is supposed to look like. And to help them apply their branding and identity to the application they have tastefully applied the Edge Effect Library and we are excited to see this little library being put to such good use. Well done guys!
Watch the Android Developer Story on YouTube:
Check the app out for yourselves: